Call Notify is a great office tool to manage calls and notifications. How many times have you been asked to deliver a message? How many minutes have you wasted delivering these personally, and how many of these urgent messages have been lost in your office?
In most workplaces, the answer to all of these questions is many.
Though we can't get rid of those messages for you, we can help you and your workmates manage them fast and painlessly.
When you receive a call or message, just fill the fields that you require! Often, just choosing the recipient and setting some (customizable) tags will be enough. Click 'send' and the recipient will be notified by mail straightaway!
Easy to mislay, short and cryptic sticky notes belong in the past! With Call Notify you will be able to build and send a real note with complete information in seconds using a powerful template system. Call Notify will send the note through e-mail to the recipient, so no notes will be lost and can be stored forever.
No more 'John clled plz cl bck' hand-written notes! Call Notify will let you build your own fully-fledged notes in a second through its customizable templates system. Just build a template with the fields that you want Call Notify to automatically add, and everytime you send a Note just knowing the values for the fields, Call Notify will auto-generate the contents.